
Funeral Plans

Our recommended funeral Plan partners are ‘Safe Hands’ endorsed by TV’s Dr Hilary Jones and Gordon Banks, England’s World Cup Winning Goalkeeper. Safe Hands are arguably the lowest cost pre-arranged funeral company amongst the UK’s largest prearranged funeral providers. Visit: Safe Hands

Why funeral plans can be far better than a savings such as cash ISAs.

Most funerals are paid from a deceased persons’ estate often consisting of Cash ISA’s that have earned very little interest. Provided of course that cash ISA savings have not disappeared to pay for long term care fees?

Funeral costs are rising exponentially, and the average cost of a funeral is now at least £3,500. compare this to one of our clients fixed price funeral plan taken out in October 1998 for just£1,357! Some people are put off buying pre-arranged funeral plans due to the morbidity factor. But many astute individuals think that fixed cost funeral plans are an excellent investment that guarantee a funeral is paid for, unlike a cash ISA unable to remotely keep pace with rising funeral costs? Importantly, a pre-arranged funeral plan avoids all the stress and hassle for your loved ones having to quickly deal with funeral arrangements at the most difficult time in their lives. Why not protect your funeral savings now, fix the costs and avoid unnecessary stress for Family by setting up a Safe Hands Fixed Price Funeral Plan.