One in three people over age 65 will suffer from some form of dementia before they die.
Did you know?
Without a
Financial Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) the Court of Protection will take control of your home and savings if you are unable to make decisions. Worst still, if you do not have a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney in place, your family can be overruled on decisions about your health and welfare. This is because local authorities are obliged to look after vulnerable persons. Therefore, Social Services are legally empowered to decide where you will live, your diet, clothing, medication, visitors and activities irrespective of your wishes or your family's.
Please remember that an LPA is not just for the elderly. Unfortunately we do not know what the future holds as many young people suffer physically or lose mental capacity from accidents and sudden illness.
The main drawback of instructing your LPA's to be drafted by insured professionals such as Equity Legal are the costs involved. Many law firms charge up to £500 + for just one attorney and up to £2,000 or more for a couple, each requiring financial and health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorneys.
However, Equity legal fees are normally less than half of many firms and we also include the work to register your attorneys. Unlike most law firms, we even include valid duplicate LPAs as these are considered essential at time of need if originals go astray in the post or delayed with banks, investment or utility companies etc. The Office of the Public Guardian presently charges £35 per valid copy LPA so £140 saved for couples with four Equity Legal prepared LPAs. Many Law firms charge much more, incredibly as much as £720? Visit: Alzheimers Forum
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